Channel: SuperiorSinging
Category: Music
Tags: how to sing with more powerlearn how to sing bettervocal coachhow to sing betterrachel kisersinging techniquesbest vocal lessonsingingvocal toneonline singing lessonvocal placementsinging tipssuperior singing methodsinging lessonshow to sing with proper placementlearn to sing betterthe power behind the maskvocal resonancevocal placement exercisesvocal tipsvocal placement singingvocal placement high notesproper vocal placement
Description: Click the link to take my FREE SINGING KILLER QUIZ here: Join over 1.5 Million people that took my Singing Killer Quiz to find and correct their #1 Singing Killer! _______________ In my last video, talked all about how to have proper breath support which is so critical when singing. If you haven’t watched that video, be sure to go back and check it out as this video builds upon that idea. Here’s my last video all about Proper Breath Support: Now that you understand breath support, we’re going to be talking in this video all about how to have proper placement when singing. When it comes to the 2 best aspects of singing the foundation is really all about Breath and Placement. Today we’re going to learn where to take all that breath so we can create the best tone and resonance to help you sing so much better! This video sounds a bit odd, but there’s a few exercises we’ll go through to help you understand how this feels so you know you’re doing this correctly. Once you begin understanding how to have proper vocal placement, you’ll learn how to isolate your sound and create the amazing tone. Have a watch all the way through and let me know what you think! Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to the channel too because we’re doing our 600K giveaway! When we hit 600K subscribers I’m giving away 6 FREE copies of my full Superior Singing Method 8 week course! Also, go ahead and hit the NOTIFICATION BELL so you’re notified as soon as any new videos get posted on the channel. If you're interested in trying our full Superior Singing Method 8-week online step by step vocal training course, that's been used by over 75,000+ singers in over 100+ countries worldwide just visit the link below and the Superior Singing Method course now: Looking forward to helping you reach your goals as an aspiring singer! Remember, never stop singing! It brings joy to the world. :) -Aaron Anastasi _______________ Click the link to take my #1 Rated ONLINE SUPERIOR SINGING METHOD COURSE (over 75,000 students currently enrolled) → ✅ Over 31 Amazing Dynamic Vocal Exercises ✅ 8 Week Step-by-Step HD Online Video Lessons ✅ Online Video & Audio Training - Sing Anytime! Anywhere! 24/7! ✅ Improve a Full Octave in your Vocal Range ✅ Daily Vocal Routines - plus my best warm ups & warm downs ✅ 60-Day Money back guarantee - no questions asked ✅ Me as your personal vocal coach guiding you every step of the way! You Too Can Learn How to Sing – Improve Your Singing Voice, Sing With Better Control, And Gain Up To A Full Octave In Your Vocal Range…no matter what level you’re at! #howtosingwithproperplacement #propervocalplacement #vocalplacementexercises #thepowerbehindthemask #vocalresonance #vocaltone #vocalplacementtechnique #vocalplacementsinging #singingtechniques #vocalcoach